13 Apr 2022

The results for the I quarter of 2022

Company today

Kazakhmys summed up the results of production activities for the first quarter of 2022

According to the results of work for the 1st quarter of 2022, Kazakhmys Holding LLP produced a total of 7 million 915 thousand tons of ore (in the 1st quarter of 2021, 7 million 090 thousand tons).

The average copper content in the extracted ore at the end of the quarter was 0.94%, with a plan of 0.88%, for the same period last year 0.98%.

In total, in the 1st quarter of 2022, Kazakhmys processing plants processed 7,651 million tons of ore (in the 1st quarter of 2021 – 7,481 million tons of ore).

62.943 thousand tons of copper were produced in concentrate (Q1 2021 – 61.32 thousand tons).

For the 1st quarter of 2022 produced:

    - cathode copper – 79.084 thousand tons (an increase in planned indicators by 4,576 thousand tons). For the same period last year – 72,206 thousand tons (an increase of 6,878 thousand tons);

    - gold in bars – 1,879 kg, for the same period last year - 1,758 kg, an increase of 121 kg (+6.9%);

- silver in bars and granules - 75,708 kg, for the same period last year – 68,334 kg, an increase of 7,374 kg (+10.79%);

In the second quarter of 2022, Kazakhmys plans to produce 65,865 thousand tons of copper in cathode equivalent.

This year our plans are higher than last year's. During the first quarter, Kazakhmys fulfilled its task. We continue to implement a strategy to increase the extraction and processing of ore at our production sites. Currently, a new processing plant with a shift camp and corresponding communications is being built at the Shatyrkul-Zaisan cluster. The planned capacity of the factory is 1.2 million tons of copper-molybdenum ore per year. Social projects also remain a priority for Kazakhmys. In February, our company presented 68 cars and buses to Zhezkazgan police officers. And the employees of Kazakhmys were awarded on the eve of the holidays on March 8 and Nauryz

Andrey Gaidin, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP

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